ARRL is proud to welcome you as one of our registered licensing instructors. We are grateful for your dedication to sharing amateur radio with others and your committed enthusiasm to introducing others to the world of amateur radio!
To save you some time searching, below you'll find descriptions of resources available and links to find them quickly.
Please note: you must be logged into the ARRL website with your registered username and password to access the resources available only to registered instructors.
If you need additiaonl assistance, please email us at
I hope you’ll investigate the resource section we’ve developed on our website at to help you prepare and enhance your instruction. You’ll find ideas and tools developed by ARRL and some shared by other instructors that you can adapt to complement your instruction. Also included are ideas on providing instruction to get new licensees on the air. On the "Getting Organized" page, you'll find a description of the “graduation kit” that you may want to provide to your students.
This resource area is divided into 6 sections:
As a registered instructor, you will also be able to take advantage of our Instructor/Teacher Discount Program, which provides you with free standard ground shipping and a 25% discount on specified instructional publications purchased from ARRL. You can purchase these materials anytime through our online store to receive the discount and free shipping, as long as you have logged in with your registered username and password first.
Announce Your Class on the ARRL Website+
List your classes in our searchable database on our website! Many prospective students come to our website in search of a class in their area. This database has proven to be an effective means of reaching potential students in neighboring communities.
Here's the link to submit your listings:
Instructor Feedback and Instructor Recognition+
Please provide us with feeedback about your license instruction activiities! Feedback is essential for Instructor Recognition.
Learn more about how to participate.
If you are considering developing a relationship with a local school to introduce amateur radio as an enrichment activity or to identify teachers interested in employing amateur radio as a learning tool in the classroom you’ll want to review the information at:
Read about the resources available through ARRL’s Education & Technology Program and the professional development opportunity offered for teachers, the Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology.
We’ve also prepared some background information to help you prepare for meetings with teachers and school officials at:
This section of the ARRL website: is where you will find ideas for Amateur Radio outreach activities designed for kids On the linked pages you'll find resources that have been developed for teaching the requirements of the Boy Scouts Radio Merit Badge and a new Radio & Wireless Technology Patch for Girl Scouts.
Licensing, Education & Training >> Volunteer Instructors/Mentors >> License Instructor Registration >> Welcome Instructors