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ARRL Sections - Oklahoma



Contact Information

Section Name:
Mark Kleine N5HZR
Daytime Phone:
Evening Phone:

Basic Information

West Gulf

SM045 - Field Day is Coming!!!


SM045 – Field Day is Coming!!!

JUNE 1, 2024


Here comes the Amateur Radio Superbowl! This year, the weekend will be June 22-23, 2024. Field Day is where tens of thousands of amateur radio operators get on the air to test their emergency operation abilities. It’s also a great place to teach or learn about amateur radio modes that you may not have tried. “Bring someone to Field Day” this year and share your passion. More information about ARRL’s Field Day is available online at You can also find a local Field Day on the ARRL site by logging in and visiting Publicize your local Field Day site by adding a station at, and you’ll be on your way!

ARRL Digital Systems

In case you’re concerned about the digital outage at ARRL-land, there’s some background at Systems are starting to come back online. The phone system was restored last week, W1AW started automated operations, ARRL store orders started shipping last week, ARRL FCC tests were uploaded last week, and the site came back online for the upcoming VHF contest and the ARRL International Digital Contest (others to be backfilled.) Logbook of The World (LoTW) and the learning site are still offline.

Ham Holiday – Oklahoma City – July 26-27

The 2024 Hamfest season is in full swing. The Oklahoma City Hamfest, Ham Holiday, will be July 26-27, 2024. Tickets are available online at Don’t forget this year’s special Yaesu FTDX10 Operating Package. Everything you need to operate on phone, CW, and digital (except a computer<G>.) Tickets are only $20, and only 300 will be sold. Buy yours today at

ARES Oklahoma

Oklahoma’s Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) is rolling through another storm season. More information is available online at Log in and verify your contact information and training profile by clicking on your name in the upper right. ECs, you now have a way to download your county data in a CSV file from the reports menu.

de N5HZR — 73, Mark

Oklahoma Section Web Page

Oklahoma Officials

  • Michael Dean

    Public Info Coordinator,
    State Government Liaison

    Michael Dean K5MFD

  • Mark Kleine

    Section Manager

    Mark P. Kleine N5HZR

  • Don Loving

    Assistant Section Manager

    Don R. Loving KM5OX

  • Gary Way

    Assistant Section Manager

    Gary H. Way AE5OF

  • Mark Clayton

    Assistant Section Manager

    Mark T. Clayton N5AZQ

  • Thomas Webb

    Assistant Section Manager

    Thomas M. Webb WA9AFM

  • Kevin O Dell

    Assistant Section Manager

    Kevin N. O Dell WN5FZL

  • Randall Wing

    Assistant Section Manager

    Randall R. Wing N0LD

  • Leah Ohse

    Assistant Section Manager

    Leah Ohse W3LEO

  • Edwin Hatch

    Section Traffic Manager

    Edwin F. Hatch AG5DV

  • Eddie Manley

    State Government Liaison

    Eddie Manley K5EMS

  • Bartley Pickens

    Assistant Section Manager

    Bartley J. Pickens N5TWB

  • Bill Wilburn

    Assistant Section Manager

    Bill Wilburn N5NUK

  • Francis Henderson

    Assistant Section Manager

    Francis Duane Henderson KC5NID

  • Mark Conklin

    Section Emergency Coordinator

    Mark D. Conklin N7XYO

  • Charles Goodson

    Assistant Section Manager

    Charles E. Goodson N5CEG

  • Roland Stolfa

    Assistant Section Manager

    Roland J. Stolfa KC5UNL

  • Jim Shideler

    Affiliated Club Coordinator

    Jim C. Shideler W5JCS

  • Daniel Schroeder

    Technical Coordinator

    Daniel F. Schroeder K5FVL


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