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Antennas, feed lines, baluns and antenna tuners

This forum area is for discussions or Q&A related to antennas, feed lines, baluns, antenna tuners and antenna support structures, etc.

Topic Author Created Posts Views Activity
Open Stubs KA0LDG Jun 14th 2023, 16:01 1 1,777 on 14/6/23
Open Stupid question about braided shield K7RRD Oct 23rd 2021, 23:04 4 4,911 on 3/2/22
by K0WUQ
Open Suggestion 80 Meter Antenna N8KDC Apr 1st 2020, 15:15 2 5,226 on 2/4/20
by W1VT
Open Support for wire antennas. Wire or rope? N1AUP Jan 25th 2018, 06:19 3 6,147 on 25/1/18
by N1AUP
Open SWR and metal roof KO0Y Mar 15th 2015, 23:47 6 8,347 on 17/3/15
by KO0Y
Open Ten-Tec 253 Autotuner and FT-840 band data K1CPR Jun 1st 2023, 17:38 1 1,947 on 1/6/23
by K1CPR
Open Testing of HT antennas WA2JRG Jul 5th 2014, 20:05 1 5,596 on 5/7/14
Open The ARRL Antenna Book CWStat Dec 8th 2015, 20:23 2 4,997 on 9/12/15
Open The simple End Feed antenna WA8OPR Aug 26th 2016, 13:53 1 5,956 on 26/8/16
Open three band coax trap dipole WB8VMW Nov 24th 2016, 15:01 1 5,302 on 24/11/16
Open Tilt on Ground Plane Antennae WD1E Sep 9th 2021, 08:52 4 5,142 on 9/9/21
by W1VT
Open tilted ATAS-120a work NVIS 0001490519H80 Nov 20th 2017, 13:51 1 6,078 on 20/11/17
by 0001490519H80
Open TLW W0QQG May 14th 2014, 22:30 9 11,545 on 18/7/19
by W1VT
Open Tower Grounding makitaman60 Mar 7th 2021, 19:45 1 4,812 on 7/3/21
by makitaman60
Open Tower Guys into antennas?? KL7DN Nov 24th 2016, 15:22 4 5,289 on 1/12/16
by KL7DN
Open Tower Installation WD4SEN Nov 19th 2021, 09:04 2 4,606 on 19/11/21
by W1VT
Open Tower Planning Time? KL7DN Jun 26th 2016, 20:30 3 5,414 on 30/6/16
by w7sx5bdxcc
Open Tower Section Connectors Needed KM4YQL Aug 21st 2022, 12:26 2 3,262 on 22/8/22
by W1VT
Open Transmitter at base of tower? WU6I May 3rd 2021, 17:51 3 5,026 on 4/5/21
by W1VT
Open Trap question jtabatch Jan 10th 2018, 11:25 2 5,657 on 12/1/18
by W1VT
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Total Posts: 1582 Auto-Lock Topics: No Can Reply: No Can Create Polls: No

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